Great South Coast Walk


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    Welcome to the Great South Coast Walk Forums / Fora.

    This is intended for discussion, suggestion and comments on the Great South Coast Walk and long-distance walking in general. As an example, posts on the specifics of the track route, logistic issues and their solutions, the politics and promotion of such a track, possible benefits of a track for local communities etc, are most welcome. While flexibility is important, posts which a clearly off-topic will be deleted. It goes without saying to be polite and respectful of others views in your postings.

    You will need to register to contribute to the forum. While you can create a profile, no personal details other than an email address (for confirmation and to receive your password) are required.

    Once registered you can reply to existing topics or start new ones. Contributions from walkers, bushwalking clubs, local councils, state planning authorities are most welcome.

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The forum ‘Forum Guidelines’ is closed to new topics and replies.

The concept of a Great South Coast Walk has been endorsed by the following organisations:

Peak body for bushwalkers
in NSW and the ACT

Bushwalking Club

Shoalhaven Bushwalkers

Milton NPA
Sydney University
Bushwalking Club

Far South Coast
Branch NSW

ACT National Parks

Bushwalking Club

The Bush Club

Ramblers Club

Illawarra NPA

Light to Light